Energy Infinity Mat

This is a custom mat that has all 7 crystals for energy along with 4 PEMF programs and adjustable infrared heat. This also includes an EMF blocker. The frequencies are

Light PEMF Frequency =3 Hz Is for deep relaxation and can help with falling asleep and staying asleep. When we are in a very deep sleep, our brains are typically in …

Light PEMF Frequency =10 Hz Has been found to increase dopamine and 5-HTP levels, important for helping with depression.

Light PEMF Frequency = Schumann 0-30 Hz. The body-mind-earth connection is the The Earth’s magnetic field, and the Schumann and geomagnetic frequencies are roughly in the range of 0-30 Hz

Light PEMF Frequency = 23hz – Beta Brain Wave helps promote mental function, increased concentration, and improved memory.

Light PEMF Frequency =3 Hz Is for deep relaxation and can help with falling asleep and staying asleep. When we are in a very deep sleep, our brains are typically in …

Light PEMF Frequency =10 Hz Has been found to increase dopamine and 5-HTP levels, important for helping with depression

Light PEMF Frequency = Schumann 0-30 Hz. The body-mind-earth connection is the The Earth’s magnetic field, and the Schumann and geomagnetic frequencies are roughly in the range of 0-30 Hz

Light PEMF Frequency = 23hz – Beta Brain Wave helps promote mental function, increased concentration, and improved memory.

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Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction and supervision of your health care practitioner.

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